Animated menu design & promotional content


Engaging menu design

Whether you’re starting from scratch or need to redesign an existing menu, we can optimise your design for digital display. We do not use pre made templates or sub contracted offshore designers. All of our menu designs are custom made in-house and include an initial design consultation to discuss existing branding and direction for the project

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additional items

Complex menu? Keep the layout clear for customers without sacrificing information. You can still display all the items on your menu by periodically switching images and text through the use of simple motion graphics.


Run promotions

You can use your menu boards to run special offers and strategically highlight specific items. We’ll help you create eye-catching animated promotions to bring in customers and drive sales.


Engaging content

We incorporate design and animation techniques to make your food stand out and look even more appealing, through use of subtle movement, steam and glow effects.



Save space and avoid confusion and by creating individual menu designs for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Schedule them to run at different times of day to make the most of you menu board space.